About Me
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[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [section visibility=”show-for-medium”] [row] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [title style=”center” text=”Bio & experience” tag_name=”h2″] [row_inner style=”collapse” col_bg=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.69)” padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ bg_radius=”20″ color=”light”]Priya possesses 15 years of experience in PR, Corporate Communications and Marketing in a variety of industries, including B2B technology (mobile/telecom, security, finance, manufacturing, power and energy), healthcare (medtech, HIT and provider services), consumer lifestyle, non-profit and more. Her work spans Fortune 500 corporations to niche boutique agencies, with strong capabilities in full-circle strategic planning, PR campaign development and execution, media relations/external communications and content development.
[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [gap height=”0px”] [gap height=”50px” height__sm=”10px”] [row_inner style=”collapse” v_align=”equal” padding=”25px 0px 0px 0px”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ align=”center”] [ux_image id=”299″ width=”66″] [gap height=”35px” height__sm=”10px”] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner style=”collapse” col_bg=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.69)” padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ bg_radius=”20″ color=”light”]Priya has an Accreditation in Public Relations which certifies her drive, professionalism and principles, setting her apart from peers and positioning her as a leader and mentor in the competitive public relations field. Priya is an active member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ bg_radius=”20″] [title style=”center” text=”Industries I serve” tag_name=”h2″] [ux_banner_grid label=”Industries Served” spacing=”xsmall” height=”400″ width=”full-width”] [col_grid span=”7″ span__sm=”6″ height=”1-4″] [ux_banner bg=”280″ bg_color=”#d92027″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box width=”96″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]Healthcare
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”5″ span__sm=”6″ height=”1-4″] [ux_banner bg=”279″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box width=”100″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]Lifestyle
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span__sm=”12″ height=”1-4″] [ux_banner bg=”278″ bg_color=”#ff9234″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” bg_pos=”50% 73%” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]Consumer Tech
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”6″ span__sm=”6″ height=”1-4″] [ux_banner bg=”288″ bg_color=”#2c786c” bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box width=”95″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]Education
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”7″ span__sm=”6″ height=”1-4″] [ux_banner bg=”427″ bg_color=”#2c786c” bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]B2B TECH
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”5″ span__sm=”6″ height=”1-3″] [ux_banner bg=”284″ bg_color=”#d92027″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” bg_pos=”44% 3%” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]Non-Profit
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”5″ span__sm=”6″ height=”1-4″] [ux_banner bg=”289″ bg_color=”#ff9234″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box width=”100″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]Entertainment
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”6″ span__sm=”6″ height=”1-3″] [ux_banner bg=”287″ bg_color=”#ff9234″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]Finance
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span=”7″ span__sm=”6″ height=”1-4″] [ux_banner bg=”428″ bg_color=”#d92027″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” bg_pos=”33% 67%” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box width=”87″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]WELLNESS
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [col_grid span__sm=”12″ height=”1-4″] [ux_banner bg=”285″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” bg_pos=”0% 61%” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box width=”100″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]Corporate Communications
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col_grid] [/ux_banner_grid] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section visibility=”hide-for-medium”] [row] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [title style=”center” text=”Bio & experience” tag_name=”h2″] [row_inner style=”collapse” col_bg=”rgba(106, 106, 106, 0.87)” padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ bg_radius=”20″ color=”light”]Priya possesses 15 years of experience in PR, Corporate Communications and Marketing in a variety of industries, including B2B technology (mobile/telecom, security, finance, manufacturing, power and energy), healthcare (medtech, HIT and provider services), consumer lifestyle, non-profit and more. Her work spans Fortune 500 corporations to niche boutique agencies, with strong capabilities in full-circle strategic planning, PR campaign development and execution, media relations/external communications and content development.
[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [gap height=”0px”] [gap height=”10px”] [row_inner style=”collapse” v_align=”equal” padding=”25px 0px 0px 0px”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ align=”center”] [ux_image id=”299″ width=”50″] [gap height=”10px”] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner style=”collapse” col_bg=”rgba(106, 106, 106, 0.84)” padding=”20px 20px 20px 20px”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ bg_radius=”20″ color=”light”]Priya has an Accreditation in Public Relations which certifies her drive, professionalism and principles, setting her apart from peers and positioning her as a leader and mentor in the competitive public relations field. Priya is an active member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ bg_radius=”20″] [title style=”center” text=”Industries I serve” tag_name=”h2″] [ux_banner_grid label=”Industries Served” height=”400″ width=”full-width”] [col_grid span=”7″ height=”1-3″] [ux_banner bg=”280″ bg_color=”#d92027″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” hover=”overlay-remove”] [text_box width=”96″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]